C-19- 5 Tips for PR Interns
Do you know the feeling when your summer vacation is about to end and your school is about to start? Well, those jitters are typically experienced again, when one undertakes an internships as part of the college curriculum. To top it off, current graduates have to go through this experience in the middle of a pandemic, where all physical interactions are severed. While it is tough to seek the same experience from behind a screen, it is not entirely impossible! In fact, Internships are a good way to utilise this time.
I am a novice in the world of Public Relations, but on the basis of my various interactions in PR School, I have formulated a few tips for interns like me in Public Relations, or any Communications field for that matter.
1. Be a fly on the wall
Being a fly on the wall doesn’t mean being a passive spectator, but being an active listener. One must be perceptive and attentive at all times, during all discussions and absorb as much as we can. Make the full use of internships, by not just finishing the assigned tasks, but also by walking the extra mile to understand the thought process behind each task.
2. Ask, Ask and Ask
A lot many times interns hesitate in clearing their doubts while receiving instructions and end up producing half-baked work. If you feel there is a pertinent question left unanswered, then go ahead and ask immediately. Asking questions shows how involved you are in the work. Also, good questions do arise only when you listen carefully! It goes without saying, but don’t ask redundant questions just for the sake of it!
3. Watch Like a Hawk
This tip is specific to the interns working in PR, but can be contextualised for all. Research about the firm, your client, your sector, recent publications and past projects thoroughly. In the business of communications it is very crucial to be as alert as a hawk and stay updated about all happenings in your arena. One may not always get to work on the sector of their choice. But it is the beauty of learning from new experiences that keeps this profession alive.
4. Prepare a Check List
As soon as you are given assignments of the day or week, do list them down in order of priority and time constraint. Listing task and ticking them off helps in the organisation of work. Get this checklist reviewed by a supervisor to ensure you have not missed out on a task. Also, do update your supervisors about your completed assignments at the end of the week, and seek feedback.
5. Build a strong Network
A lot of interns make the mistake of treating their internship a bit too casually. Give the internship as much importance as you would give to a permanent job. Talk to people, build connections. During COVID times, it is tough to interact with all the employees, but don’t forget, we are the natives of the digital age. Connect with all your co-workers on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Keep your social media accounts active and clean. Take the initiative to start conversations with people. The connections you build now, will go a long way in your life.
After actually undertaking the internship, I am sure I will have more pointers to add in the list. Until then, all the best to all budding PRofessionals.