C -32 — Confessions of an Ambivert
Lately, our whole act of standing true to the term ‘social animals’ has started annoying till the last rib of my cage! Wait a minute, just in case you are wondering if this is going to be a rant of an antisocial loner, let me inform you, that well, you are truly mistaken. Consider this more like dawn of realisation by a social butterfly who has more than 20 ‘best friends per say, has more than a thousand followers online, regularly seeks validation by posting selfies on social media, but would rather lock herself up in a library on a Saturday night, than dance and drink in a modern ghetto, also called a pub or disco.
On such days, I thank the word “AMBIVERT” for existing. It truly christens my existence. I love sitting on the terrace on evenings with earphones in my ears and a cup of coffee in one hand. What I hate is, ten people approaching me and asking “Are you okay? What happened? Why are you sitting alone?” Thanks for asking but, I think it is fun to be a spectator of a melting sun in a vast pool of clouds and it does feel good to be an audience to the much-underrated melody -‘silence’ every once in a while. By being a listening ear to all and sundry, let not your inner voice feel neglected. It is okay to be called a loner sometimes. No matter how much our society has conditioned us to believe so, but trust me, stealing a bit of a ‘ME-TIME’ from your schedule is NOT an act of selfishness! It’s funny, how Diwali or Holi Milan, which started as acts to celebrate happiness, have ended up being a pain in the ass of every introvert or uninterested person! It is okay to find happiness in your own company. There exist some people who detest posting pictures with lehengas and hashtags online, or apply permanent colours on people who are nothing but temporary. Let’s learn respecting each other’s mental spaces, along with the physical ones.
And let us acknowledge the fact that, Silence can be solace for some.
And now I would rest this writeup here and publish it soon. Then I will post it’s a screenshot on my Insta story and read replies of random people and feel validated. Oops! Victim of social media, ain’t I?